One Track Mind

I've had a one track mind lately...concerning apartments! All I've been doing after work this week is looking at apartments - I...

I've had a one track mind lately...concerning apartments! All I've been doing after work this week is looking at apartments - I'm sick of being technically homeless, and need to move on with my life! Then, because of my really awesome fun jet lag, whenever I wake up I'm thinking about something to do with apartments. Sunday night was all the stress of figuring out how to move without an elevator, when to pack, how quickly we need a place, etc. Monday was all about which apartment to go after. And last night was all about where I envision my next bedroom to be...dreamy!

For detailed sourcing info, please go to my Pinterest board

Obviously budget-wise I don't think I'd be able to achieve the overall look and feel of all the pins on my Bedrooms pinterest board, but one can dream, right? I do think it's important to try and create a haven in your bedroom though, and I personally love a clean, white/natural/light purple or pink theme...if you couldn't tell for yourselves!

What does your dream bedroom look like?

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